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  • How to Successfully Mat Train Your Dog with Amy's Puppy Preschool
    November 26, 2021

    How to Successfully Mat Train Your Dog with Amy's Puppy Preschool

    Mat training is one of the most valuable skills you can teach your pup. It is all about asking your dog to go to their place (mat), thereby preventing them from doing things you don’t want them to do, like being under your feet in the kitchen or jumping on the couch when guests are over. Once their mat training is mastered at home, you can progress to taking your dog out to busy restaurants and cafes with the mat they have grown familiar with. That's why a travel mat is so handy for this type of training. 

    In this step-by-step guide, Amy gives us her tips (and a video!) to ensure that you too can succeed with mat training your dog. Plus there's a special online course offer for our readers!
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  • The Ultimate Guide to Using a Dog Travel Mat + 15 Reasons Why You'll Love Them!
    February 12, 2020

    The Ultimate Guide to Using a Dog Travel Mat + 15 Reasons Why You'll Love Them!

    Indie Boho dog (and cat!) waterproof padded travel mats are a year-round essential with so many practical uses.  Here we list the top 15 ways you will benefit from having a travel mat, including training tips from Ryan Tate, Founder of the Animal Training Academy

    In this list we discuss: confining your dogs space while making them feel ultra comfortable at a cafe, restaurant, on a plane or in the office; getting them started early with a mat at puppy school; making them feel "at home" at doggy daycare, their sitters / friends place, while on holidays or camping; and protecting your car or designer living room rug from mess! 

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